RETREAT Re-connect
Ibiza, Spain
1-6 October 2024

Time to Re-connect!

Why attend this Retreat?

This Retreat is created to unify and reconnect with the deepest part of ourselves and express what we sometimes keep within us.

If you are looking for a moment of pause, allowing yourself to maybe reconsider your life purpose this is an opportunity to do it together, probably you are not the only one who needs that moment of reflection, union and appreciation. Or maybe you would like to spend a week away from daily stress with your best friend, your mom, your partner? And create a bond of trust and gratitude.

Remember that supporting each other creates a collective strength that can help overcome barriers and limiting thoughts.

Do you want to know more about the Re-connect Retreat?

Well, this year I have prepared something special for this group and I have included in the Week-plan the Ice Bad & Breathwork using the Wim Hof Method based in three pillars: Breathing exercises, cold exposure and commitment, The practice of breathing and Ice bad have many health benefits: Boost concentration, reduced stress levels, improve Sleep and it has been shown to help with depression, anxiety, mood, mental focus and pain management. Also Gérome and Vanessa our private chefs from France will delight & nourish our body and soul with their vegetarian creations, also in the plan we have our daily introspection work, Meditation & Yoga sessions, the trip to the magical Es Vedrá and to close our circle our Ancestral Cacao & Kirtan Ceremony. 

This Retreat is for those who:

Want to geht out of the comfort Zone

Want to improve their Yoga & Meditation practice 

Want to discover what happens to the body when we practice Ice Bath’s regularly

Want to experience the mystery of PRANA, your vital energy through Breathwork (Wim Hof Method)

Those who want to open the heart with our ancestral Cacao & Kirtan Ceremony.

But for all for those who want to disconnect from the hectic routine to re-connect again with your inner self.


re-connect retreat ibiza 2024

Portinatx, Ibiza / October 1th to 6th 2024

The villa is located in a very private environment at the top of a mountain and spectacular views to the sea, as you approach the area where the villa is located you feel as if you are entering a calm and silent Oasis, full of almond and tall palm trees.


Your Holistic Week includes:

About Me

My Name is Dulce Graf I’m Yoga Teacher & NLP Mental Coach based in Switzerland, I’m originally from Mexico and I love to connect culture through love and Mindfulness.

My purpose is to share the true meaning of Yoga which is that everything is within you.

You are the Mantra

You are the Medicine



Arrival at the villa from 18:00 o’clock

Welcome Apero & Dinner.

Circle Opening 






The basements of the unconscious

This day we will experience the Power odf Pranayama through simple techniques for a conscious contact with the body and breathing that will take us to a deep state of consciousness.

What does this practice offer us?

It allows us to immerse ourselves in non integrated content that remains buried in the unconscious. By witnessing these contents, non-integrated experiences can find their place in the conscious mind and stop exerting influence from

“The basements of the unconscious”







Remember that the greatest adventure is the one you have with yourself and your own journey, be grateful, value those who are by your side, heal, love,grow and let the world see the best version of you.

With love
